December 06, 2007

TKO: "Enough is Enough or For Ever and Ever"

"Enough is Enough or For Ever and Ever"

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I was wondering how much do you put up with in a relationship, until you say enough is enough. How much can a person take and endure before you can justify the relationship coming to an end? I know it’s a big difference when you are in a relationship than when you are in a legal binding marriage. I am a firm believer that you must exhaust all your resources before calling it quits. When I made my vows I made them to God and my husband, so for me personally, divorce is not an option. At least I am going to try my hardest for it not to be.

But generally speaking, marriage can be a great challenge. Its amazing how much a couple can endure, and still come out from all those trials stronger and better than ever. Then there is others that as soon as a gray cloud comes their way, they pack out and say peace! Not everyone can handle marriage, to be married or even committed to someone you have to be strong. Marriage is not for the weak at heart, and it is not for people who come into it thinking “if it does not work out then I will just get a divorce”, people with that kind of mentality are the same type of people that will quit a job because they messed up, or will stop talking to their best friend because of a misunderstanding, they are the type of people who do not like to be confrontational. They rather run away from the situation and pretend like it never happen. These type of people do not want to even risk getting hurt.

Now some may say what is wrong with not wanting to be confrontational, why do people have to argue, and I agree. We should not have to argue in order to get our point across, but we should discuss it, and not act as it never happened. That is not a healthy way to live your life. You cannot walk away from something that is suppose to last just because of you, you must have tried to make it work, otherwise it is just being selfish. Now there is two things I acknowledge as being sufficient enough to leave, one is infidelity, and the other is abusive relationship, neither should be tolerated unless you both are willing to work it out, then that is on you, but I can see how that is a “its over” situation.

But really, if you married someone, is it really worth ending the marriage just because of arguments or disagreements, does it not make sense to work out these things? Why are people so quick to want to leave when times get hard? What happened to forever, or till death do us part?

Me and my husband have been together for 10 years and married for 8. We have had our ups and downs and we have encountered a variety of trials along the way. But thankfully we are on the same page when it comes to trying to make it work as long as we can, we don’t believe in divorce, although I have to admit, the idea of it, sometimes lingers around my mind, mainly because it gives a fast solution to my problems that I have not yet learn to deal with on my own. But what will that do, just create a numerous amount of more problems because I love my husband, and I don’t want to divorce him, I don’t want to break up our family, and I know we both make an effort to work things through. So it is easy to feel that you want an easy way out, but I think the best way is to just stay and work it out, I mean, he or she already knows all your likes, and dislikes, your flaws and everything about you, why go through the hassle about having to meet someone new and start over with a stranger. I know every circumstance is different than mine is, we have just gone through too much, that there is nothing that we cannot handle together. As long as we love each other then we should always try to make it work. Otherwise I will just become the person that ran away. I have been there done that, I am trying to change, and I feel that 10 years of sticking by my man, is a great start in changing the “I could run away from anything” mentality. (plus my husband has put up with me too, I am not easy to live with) so a relationship or marriage is a two way street, we must learn to tolerate but most importantly respect each other, and our differences, its not easy, but who ever said that is was going to be? If it was so easy more people would be married and stay married. So I just learn to value what I have at home, and boy I am a blessed woman.

Well until next time.




Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you make of the 60%-and-rising divorce rate?

11:06 PM  

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