October 11, 2007

TBF- Technology (The Season Premiere)

Since the beginning of time, man has created tools for survival and to control his environment. As the years millenia passed, our achievements grew from the natural wonders of our world (i.e. fire and the manipulation of rivers and crops to a new world: a digital world.

In our creating we were able to build many bridges and give old ideas a new sanctuary. But do the products of our minds really give us a new level of freedom? Or have we created a form of dependency that can never be undone?

We'll find out today as The Brian Factor discusses Technology.

"Technologic" by Daft Punk

"Technology" can be defined many ways. The dictionary defines it as such:

"Technology (noun): The application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes."

Technology can be found in pretty much everything today: communications, business, economics, healthcare, science; even as learning tools and recreation. Technology has also been found in an unfortunate area as well: war.

Now, looking at this list, you could imagine how this looks to be a verrry long and potentially boring column, and I agree with you. So thankfully I'll focus on a couple of the more notable electronic devices and their basic pros and cons; I'll also address a growing epidemic within our generation.

So first the Pros and Cons....


In the late 1980's, the concept of a mobile phone came into fruition and the result was a telephone for the well-to-do, on-the-go. Now, 20 years later, everybody and their uncle has one, and the cell phone has officially topped a person's list of things they carry with them at all times above house keys and ID. (Ooh... I had a good joke-filled rant there but, dammit, I can't type that fast. it's official, I need a webcam!)

- The ability to contact anyone, anywhere in the world

- The person you're trying to reach is never there... (Marie)

[Marie: Actually, my parents' ranch has no coverage and my phone sits uselessy gethering dust. (Time to rethink that "pro" of yours.)]

- Sleek, sexy phones that say "I'm cool".

- Fashion compromises function
(I have thick fingers, people! I don't like trying to explain a mistyped text. "I wasn't calling you a 'shithead,' I was just trying to say "Hi".)

- 24/7 Availability

- 24/7 Availability

("Why are you calling me at 3 in the morning? I will not post bail for you!" Also, you can't really ever hide from someone anymore. If they have your number, they can reach you. Sure, you can claim to be at the movies, but you can't bullshit people forever.)

- Having a great custom plan to fit your every day life that doesn't have you break the bank.

- They use so much legalese in those contracts: "2 years minimum, nights and weekends, every third Wednesday give $50 bucks, your phone doesn't work in 48 out of 50 states unless you quack like a duck while flapping your arms!" (it's in the fine print.)

Don't be surprised if one day you have to give 'em your first born.


Who doesn't work with computers nowadays?? Seriously, who? Can't really name too many can you? Well if you can, you're probably a minority working a crappy job for scraps or as a group of hooded white men once told me: "You're in your place, where y'all belong". (Please note that The Brian Factor is anti-PC. We may say things that will shock and possibly offend many of you and if it does... Tough.)

All racial prejudice aside, about 90% of all inside businesses use computers and, again, what was once for the well-to-do is now a common item found in most homes today. Yay progress!!

- Porn

- Records of porn sites you visited "somehow" find their way to your Parents/ Significant Other...

(Thankfully Marie and I have learned to acquire our porn through reputable sources, right Marie?)

[Marie: The term is "erotic photography/film/fiction," not porn.]

- Everyday new software/ hardware is being developed to ensure quality service and security.

- The fact that you believe having the same computer for over six months is a bad thing.

Even Steve Jobs said it in that letter to the public about the iPhone:
"Being in technology for 30+ years I can attest to the fact that the technology road is bumpy. There is always change and improvement, and there is always someone who bought a product before a particular cutoff date and misses the new price or the new operating system or the new whatever. This is life in the technology lane. If you always wait for the next price cut or to buy the new improved model, you'll never buy any technology product because there is always something better and less expensive on the horizon."
-Steve [Jobs,] Apple CEO

In other words, people: Your shit works. If it's broke, you broke it.

- The information super highway is your one stop for all your inquisitive needs.

- Can you really consider something you see online as credible?

(I want to believe this article on global warming, but I keep seeing that flashing popup that promises to enlarge my penis! And I can't do that and offer to help the Exiled Prince of Nigeria by giving him my bank account number at the same time! I am not a magician people!)


Before I go into rant mode, I found a quote to help start us off:

"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."
- Albert Einstein

And a stretch to the left, stretch to the right (AHH, my sciatica) and (neck crack) Ok, here we go....

Now let's be honest here people.

A growing epidemic that's affecting our society and more notably our generation is the fact that our lives aren't being lived as they once were. 15 years ago, many of us were nothing but kids who ran, jumped, played sports, and had actual human contact for at least 12 hours a day. Now look at us: in an era of Wifi, cell phones, PS3, IM and porn, I'm lucky if I'm out for at least two hours a day. I mean, I still have energy and I know I can go out and do stuff (I kicked Marie's ass in a volleyball game at a 4th of July block party once.) But seriously, this new era of electronics isn't a complete blessing.

Originally, when we were able to do so much from the comfort of our homes with our computer, it was considered a blessing and you couldn't lie. Having the ability to accomplish more in little to no time seemed like a genuine miracle. It gave us the time we needed to live our lives more, but doing so much without using the energy eventually created a blow back none of us could've foreseen. We became more lazy. I remember as a child my ratio of being outside/playing Nintendo were like 4:1; now they're pretty much 1:6 and that's going from ages 7 to 23... you do the math.

But we can't just blame being lazy as the only reason. A couple of weeks ago I was with Marie and her boyfriend Curtis and we were talking about this topic. We all agreed that the majority of society is becoming too dependent upon computers to act as their official representative to the outside world. As I thought about it, it hit me why it's easier to stay inside and be cut off from the outside: it's safe.

Being inside and online means you don't expose yourself. By communicating with people via instant messaging instead of face-to-face, for example, you won't be putting yourself in a situation where you might have your feelings hurt. I'll be the first to admit that it's hard to be a part of the world: you're often judged on how you look, what you wear, what you believe in (and the politics sure as hell aren't helping). I'd be lying if I said that I don't feel like staying here all the time and avoiding all the drama and the bullshit.

But I can't. Everything that I am, good and bad, is the direct result of what I encountered everyday in my life outside. I have had my fair shares of rejection and heartache, but I also have the experiences of meeting people that I care about and spending time with my friends and family. I often remind myself that, no matter what, all the stuff I do online is just stuff I do, and it is not the absolute definition to my life.

So after reading this, click "Save", "Delete", "Home," whatever, and just log off and go get some fresh air, whether it's rain or shine. Different is different, and different can be good. If you still feel like you can't face the outside world, just remember: We're all in the same boat: some of us may have thicker armor, but inside, we're all scared, so you're not alone.

So to close us off this week I found ONE MORE QUOTE to wrap it all up in a neat little bow:

"We've arranged a civilization in which most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster. We might get away with it for a while, but sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces."
- Carl Sagan




Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you are right, as far as we depend on tech stuff to substitute or unwind our lives, I find that I just go home after work, cook, play with kids and go watch tv, it seems that the day speeds up so fast with wasted time on TV, than when you go to the park or movie or dinner, the time goes slower as you enjoy your self more. Plus we rely on cars to much, some people drive a few blocks just to avoid walking, then we wonder why so much people have gained a significant amount of weight, we are becoming too lazy and depending on technology too much. I guess we just got to stop and realize that, and come up with better ways to change those things, but then again some people may be too lazy to even want to think.

(my thoughts are all fun and games, I do not mean to offend no one, what am I talking about! this is the TBF after all)

2:49 PM  

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