September 30, 2007

Soundboard - 09/29/07

"A Quiet Night At Last"

So who knew maintaining two separate lives was a bitch??

So after working day and night for the past month, I'm finally enjoying a little down time and living the night all to myself...woo!!!

[Marie: For a second there, I thought you wrote "wool!!"]

The house is all mine this weekend and I'm just kicking back and enjoying every minute of it... and now I'm bored.

So to help cope with my new found boredom (cause "loneliness and cheeseburgers are a dangerous mix") I thought about giving all of you an update of my recent activities.

First off, without question one of my favorite things I got to do this past week was being able to hang out with Marie and Curtis last week and, I've got to tell you, we had fun. We had dinner a couple times and checked out the new "Resident Evil" film (not bad, by the way) plus I gave Curtis a new nickname: "Roi de Crepe" which is just "Pancake King" in french... But still funny; Curtis laughed and Marie gave me the "Death eyes" for the 23rd time this year.

So after all that fun, I found myself in debate as to what I should talk about this year. I can't say what topics came up in conversation but I have a good 15 topics on hand, so we're pretty well covered and even Marie was impressed by the list. (And you know I'm serious cause I could have just said something raunchy like "Marie was so excited she got turned on and slid out of her chair.")

[Marie: Next time, just don't. This site address is on my resume, you know.]

Which reminds me, I got another invitation to a "Sexual Harassment Seminar" Apparently someone named "Eiram" keep signing me up for one, but thankfully they aren't mandatory so I've skipped the last 4 meetings.

[Marie: C'mon. I'd be a little more creative with the alias. Once you start seeing our Constitutional rights lawyer Agnes Flipbottom's name on the referral then you'll know it's me.]

But nothing lasts forever (well nothing good anyway). I got about two weeks of vacation left before we're back in action and I realized that if all goes well, I'm gonna have no sleep for the next 9 months. Oy.

[Marie: Wow. What an opportunity for a metaphor: your opus (so to speak) requiring nine months of gestation. The only flaw is that you being pregnant is not a pretty picture.]

Oh well, that's next month and right now I'm focusing on me, right now, barefoot and bored.

[Marie: If you were really focusing on yourself, than my name mentioned several times wouldn't have been an invitation for my fantastically witty comments.]

Well Until Next Time,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, are you gonna be sick next time?

11:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

depends, if you ask Marie, I'm already sick.. HA!

2:54 PM  

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