March 29, 2007

Echoes: Reflection

Responses posted on 03/30/07

A Comment Submitted by Super Editor Marie Re: "Bri...oh, I mean Emile's Song":

We've just had our 100th entry posted here at TBF: Blogspot!

Response From Brian:

DAMN!! My ass has been busy... and the best part is I still have plenty to say. Seriously though shouldn't I get like a watch or something? some balloons or a high five or even a lap dance from Marie for all the work I've done... C'mon Marie Hook it up!!!!

(Marie smacks Brian upside his head)

Ow!!!! Maybe we should... the next question...move on to... (faints)

[Note from Marie: I'm gonna seriously start looking up sexual harrassment laws. You want a lap dance? You've got money. Go pay someone to bump an' grind against you. There was nothing about lap dancing in the contract I signed.]

Question Submitted by Alex Re: "Bri... oh I mean Harlean's Song: Loveless Motel":

"Last weekend I got pretty crazy with St. Patrick's Day and now I have to deal with the aftermath (and my apologies to whomever's Lawn Gnome I stole so I could use the carpool lane on the freeway so I could go get pancakes at 4am...)"


BULLSHIT!!!!! What the hell really happened on St. Patrick's Day???

Response From Brian:

Fine! You really want to know what happened, here it is: I went out with Emile to go check out a party that was happening at a bowling alley but a personal squabble between Emile and one of the people hosting the party cancelled those plans and we grabbed a burger and hung out at Emile's house watching "Big O" til 2:30am then I went home and went to bed.


Comment Submitted by John Re: "TBF: Reflection":

Dude, You so need to get laid

You sound like you're losing it.

Response From Brian:

So I keep hearing... Doesn't mean it's the answer to all my problems, If my sex life or severe lack of was the problem then I just would've gotten a hooker or something.

I was in a weird mood that week. I couldn't really focus and it felt like I had this big ol clound hanging around and I wasn't angry or sad, I just was in this funk and I was questioning alot about myself, so call it what you will:

A reminder that I'm someone

We all get in that funk at some point, what matters is how we handle it and what we learn from it and I handled it the only way I could: I wrote about it and I guess what I learned from it was this:

...I hurt too...sometimes.

Comment Submitted by Asia RE: Bri... oh I mean Emile's Song - 03/28/07

awwwww you guys are togther now!!! (: how sweet!!

Response From Brian:

huh? wait what?? what the hell are you talking about? I'm not with anybody...

[Note from Marie: Did you hook up with Blondie the Blow-Up Girlfriend again? I hope this time 'round will work out better for you two. ;P]



Blogger Marie said...

All jokes are in good fun. But, seriously, I'm not giving you a lap dance.

11:25 PM  

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