May 11, 2007

A Special Message And A Special Announcement

There is no Echoes this week cause well..there were no submissons, But really I'm not even hurt about it, I mean c'mon, I didn't give a topic last week, I was just expressing... contentment (if that really is a word.)

Besides, I'm really looking foward to next week, but I'm getting ahead of myself.. So if my lovely and multi-talented super editor Miss Marie would join me up here on my brand new podium for a minute...

I mainly bought this because it turns out that a "high horse" costs too much.. HA HA HA...

Sorry, Anyway...


You've stood by me this last year and you've supported me and you believed in me when many don't (that or they just don't say it.) I want you to know that I've never forgotten how much you put up with to work with me and not just as a second in command, I mean in reality you are more than that..

You're my partner, You're one of my best friends, and hell.. for a month, you were even my wife... And that was a month I'll never forget!

I mean I still got the videotape.. Anyway...

So I just want to say THANK YOU MARIE!!!

And as a way of saying thank you, for the next two weeks may it be declared throughout the land of TBF:


That means the next two weeks belong to Marie, we're talking

-"Marie's Song(s)"
-"Marie Soundboard(s)"
-and next Friday... "THE MARIE FACTOR"

and the Friday after that

So as of right now, I hand all powers to Marie and say simply this:

"Give from your heart and the world will notice..."

So in closing, Thank You Marie.... uh... wow, I forgot your full name...

Anyway, So Thank You Marie and Good Luck!!


[Marie: You're welcome. Donation collection baskets are by the door. I accept USD, Yen, Euro, MasterCard and Visa.

Oh. And I want those tapes, by the way.

:) ]


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