May 10, 2007

Marie's Song

I'm lying here sick in bed, and I think to myself, "Hey, I may as well post one of my favorite songs on TBF." This Brian's Song is gonna be a little different- mainly because I am not Brian and I am a "little different."

So, here are two songs. And just because all those lessons in sharing from kindergarten have stuck (you guys need a refresher course on that subject, RIAA), I'm providing links for you all to download and sample for yourselves. (I would love hearing your feedback, by the way!)

Today's Marie's Song is a two parter. Why? Because I couldn't decide which one to promote first in this groundbreaking new TBF/Brian's Song/Marie's Song. And, just as consensual polyamory is more fun than vanilla het sex, two snogs are better than one. So away we go....

First off, I present to you my absolute favorite piece composed by Nobuo Uematsu, the genius who had composed the music for all the good Final Fantasy games (X-2 is excluded for obvious reasons). Final Fantasy X's Ending Theme! (Can I get a "what what" Emile?) Ending Theme

While your downloading bar is occupied, let me enlighten you with the lyrics:

Final Fantasy X Ending Theme Lyrics:


There are none. Wrap your minds around that, my iPod-person friends! Sit back, clear your mind, and enjoy the sound of a symphony performing an awesome instrumental piece. (It's the most played song in my iTunes with 122 plays.)

Now onto song number two.

If instrumental music hasn't scared you off, prepare for my next challenge: opera! "Diva" is an aria I picked up off of a music rotation community and fell in love with. It is from the first soundtrack for the anime Blood+, and was composed by Mark Mancina. Sadly, I haven't been able to find any information on the vocalist. Diva

The violins at the beginning of this piece are amazing, but the singing blows them away. It is incredible how high the singer's voice goes. And her voice blends the notes together really well- without that annoying vibrato that sadly seems so popular.

So that's my first attempt at broadening the genre of music that has thus far been promoted on TBF. Don't get me wrong; I am quite fond of Breaking Benjamin, Rammstein, Rage, etc. etc. Just trying to add a little variety here.

And I already have another song in mind for the next Marie's Song I'll be writing. So be prepared for a drastic change from highbrow neo-classicism to remixes with bizzare lyrics. (Hint: "That boy needs therapy".)

Anyway, time for me to pass out. My body is aching, there's a pus pocket on my left tonsil, and my head is throbbing like a bitch. (I'm definitely sleeping through tomorrow's morning class again.) I'd love to hear what you think about these two songs, so comments are welcome. And if you really hate tonight's selection that much, I promise I'll make an effort next time to cater to your narrow-minded musical tastes.

(For those of you who appreciate puns, I thought my "snog" pun was pretty damn awesome. For those of you who hate puns, I am deeply ashamed of myself. I can waffle just as well as the most poll-sensitive politician.)

In the words of George Carlin, "Toodle-oo, go with God, and don't take any wooden nickels."

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