January 13, 2006


TITLE: Censorship

DATE: 1/13/06

An introduction from the great Harlean Carpenter:

"we are adrift dead manâ
€™s float in a sea of our own making waves breaking
in the shape of question marks curling over and around us

but beneath the dots we seek to connect
and form a path to the dry land that is
nothing less or more than the catacombs
of human experience and here
we will walk..."

Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the season premiere of "The Brian Factor." I am, of course, Brian.

I want to thank Ms. Harlean Carpenter for writing such a moving and powerful introduction. She's always been a great friend, an incredible writer, and a true fan of this column, so again I say thank you so very much.

Now what makes this so special is the fact that my audience has increased exponentially as I'm now not only posting this on Yahoo but I'm also now available on MySpace and now we've reached a new level where we shall learn together and transform the world we know into if anything a better one. Here we discuss what's really going on and we won't hold anything back. I'll ask the who's and why's that many are afraid to ask. I plan to set this revolution machine foward and tell those who disrespect our world of freedoms and truths that the people who don't follow the leader and those who believe in the freedoms our forefathers fought and died for that we're still standing and if you don't like it then Fuck You!!!!

So let's begin.

There was of course the big debate on where to start this season: Gay marriage, the War, Pro-Life or Pro-Choice??? Eventually over this season I'll tackle those and other issues but I decided to tackle one topic that I know deserves true exploration and of course a little touch of me....

Today's topic on The Brain Factor: Censorship!!!

The Story:
For as long as we have had books, radio, television, and, most recently, the Internet, there have been those who would prefer that certain topics be left out. And, of course, those who wanted censorship were satisfied with the bare minimum of what they wanted. And we were happy because we could see what we wanted, so by the beginning of this century, everyone got what they wanted... until the Superbowl incident. Shortly thereafter public outcry for controlling indecent content became an issue that engulfed the nation, and soon numerous groups began appearing before congress requesting stricter control of what appears on our books, TV, radio, and the internet.

The Reasoning:

It's understandable that many were pissed at what happened. Soon the FCC began their pursuit of anyone and anything that was deemed offensive and indecent. With everyone's voice finally being heard, no one was safe.

One of the greater targets were the dramas that used "colorful words" and suggestive dialogue and situations. Movies on TV were edited even further to the point that they became unwatchable, and in radio one target said it all: Howard Stern. For years he was Number One on their hit list, but all they could do was fine a couple hundred, maybe a thousand, dollars. But when the crackdown commenced, the FCC started playing hardball by first going after the man who was number one; and if there was any proof that it was about Howard and not content, then look at his opposites. Oprah and Dr. Phil both had shows where the subject of oral sex and graphic descriptions of other forms of sex were discussed and these are shows that are on when children are home and in primetime-- and yet, not one fine. while the FCC claimed they recieved complaints but were never specific about the complaints or even had proof of them. But if Howard said the word "ass", not in any from of a sentence just the word, there would be a $200,000 fine right there. Which could lead some to believe that the religous right were using the subject of decency to push foward private agendas and create a more moral country- claiming that everything we're doing is for the children- and create family-oriented programming and, in general, a good ol' fashioned God fearing society....

My Two Cents:

You know, as I sit here with my ripped jeans and biker boots on, I think very carefully about this and I come to the conclusion that this will get uglier before it gets better. So let's really get into it...


You know, I can honestly say that I don't care about the Superbowl incident. Mainly since I didn't see it. While we may appear to have indecent material here in America, across the pond they're showing stuff that would easily make a porn star blush. In reality if you compare us to the world in terms of indecency we're nuns. But really take a look at the people who are fighting for a "moral America": half of the senators did the stuff that they're trying to outlaw on TV--sex, drugs, violence (and that was all last Tuesday night)--and the other half come from a generation where the Whites and Colored had separate fountains and restrooms. Yet these are the experts on what's right and wrong. Think about that one for a moment.

Wait. I hear a word in the distance....


Obviously, we all want a better world for our children. But at the same time, wasn't it the bad experiences that helped show you what was right and wrong in the first place??? Everyone thinks that cutting something off will solve problems but in reality it'll make you want it more.

A quick lesson in philosophy: "The forbidden fruit is always more tempting than what's in front of you."

Growing up as a child if I was told "No" guess what I did.... I did it anyway. When I was told "Don't ever get a tattoo," I did. When I was told "Don't get an earring," I did. Are we beginning to see a pattern here, people?

But when I was told "Don't ever do drugs," I didn't, and what made the outcome different here was the fact that I was actually explained in detail why I shouldn't. My point is simply this: if you actually sit down and explain why some content isn't appropriate instead of cutting it off then you'll actually make some headway.

But what about Washington and the FCC? Let me ask you this: do you want people telling you what you can see, read, or listen to? No, because the reason that there is no consensus on what's okay is because we all have different levels of tolerance. And that's the key: tolerance. No two people are offended by the same thing. Seriously are you that offended or are you just going with the crowd? Well let's find out. Are you offended by the word "asshole"? I'm not. Are you offended by the concept of sex? I'm not. Hell, even the Discovery Channel has more offensive material when you're watching two lions mate or explaining the reproductive cycle than hearing someone saying "asshole!" So if this offends you, then deal and move on. Or, better yet, just switch channels or exit the room. You can't expect to hand off the responsiblilty of your children to someone else when it's not all that complcated to begin with. Even now there are more than enough measures to prevent what you don't want in your home. The majority of the channels on tv that aim at a mature audience are separate from the basic cable package and have to be purchased separately. There are now parental locks on televison, the Internet, cable, and satellite boxes and recievers- even satellite radio, which dosen't operate under the rules of the FCC and has the legal right to swear and discuss any topic without fear of indecency fines have parental locks; so you are now responsible for what comes in, not the government. So please use the locks if you're someone who wants to protect your family. They're not complicated.

So please let's move on from what's right and wrong before we inadvertantly cry out for so much morality that we return to 1955... and I'm not using a seperate bathroom from white people... not again!!!!

So this concludes this week's topic. And again to clarify, this is a biweekly column, so I will post new columns on the second and fourth Friday of each month. But if you have any questions, comments, kudos, death threats, marriage proposals, then send them in; in fact, now on the first and third Friday I'll pick the best of the emails and I'll post them in my brand new segment "Echos of the Factor" where I'll display your emails and answer any questions and reply to your comments. Also, I'm reviving the infamous "Brian's Top Ten," so tune in. And, of course, thanks again to Harlean Carpenter for that wonderful introduction and I shall return for another installment of "The Brian Factor."

So until next time enjoy your weekend, take care everyone, and send in those emails. I'm Brian and this was "The Brian Factor" I'm outta here!!! Peace!!!!!!



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