December 08, 2006

Echoes: Pornography

Question/ Comment Submitted By Marie:

Why do keep capitalizing the word "porn"? Do you consider it to be a proper noun? Are you so devoted to porn that you persist in breaking a commandment and idolizing pornography?

Just an innocent question. I got oddly angry when I had to keep un-capitalizing all those Ps. And I do know that you happen to mention porn entirely too often....

Response From Brian:

i don't know why I did that, I thought it was a good idea at the time and the irony is I was trying to avoid you going all "Grammar Nazi" on me. Somethings are just unavoidable I guess, the occassional goofs and the eventual run ins with Grammar Nazis.... Then I think to myself that it could be worse, I could run into real Nazis and I do not look good with my head shaved.

Poem Submitted By Angel Feathers Tickle Me:

Poised between counting one second and striking
another, you have found me again in your dreams. There
I dance like a blade of grass. Now I crouch under the
weight of a single butterfly that has decided to grace
me with her wings. Your dream explodes now. I stand in
your dream, between you and all that is you, holding a
mirror. Look at your reflection and gaze upon all that
was meant to be. Do you remember the dream where you
were caught by a tide in the instant of leaping, to
hurl yourself into the sky. I caught you when you fell
into the dreaming time. Now you too may become the
shape of the grass. You may ride the winds of time. I
give you the ability to turn like an owl and grasp at
the day, to burn like a nighthawk, to whirr like the
bee, to sing like the sea-eagle screaming out of the
sky. The wind will take you dreaming.....

But You Must Shape Your Dreams To Fly

Angel Feathers Tickle Me

Response From Brian:

She always knows where to tug on the old heart
strings... I'll need a minute to compose myself.

Question From Matt:

Three quick questions

1. What the craziest email you've ever gotten?

2. You showed an awful lot of knowledge on porn, so how much "research" did you do to prepare?

3. and finally was Marie there to help with the "research"?


Response From Brian:

I'll Answer your questions from 3 to 1, starting with 2:

#2: I swear I only read the articles, there were no photos and thus i didn't..... anyway. I read articles in various encylopedias and magazine articles, I really prep now a days on TBF.

#3: No!!!!! Marie and I are just friends, She's happily coupled with a good man, and how do I know he's a good man?

Five minutes after meeting me, He offered to make me some pancakes


You just can't top that kind of hospitality anywhere. Seriously though, he is a good man and she a good woman and together they make... good people. Besides Marie could do way better than yours truly... date-wise, work-wise? I'm her ideal partner. She's stuck with me and will remain til one of us dies.

#1: See Above, Keyword: Grammar Nazi

Actually I haven't gotten any crazy ones, it kinda bums me out that no one is crazy enough to write something trippy to me. The one email that tops my list of crazy emails is one that a fan sent to Trent Reznor (NIN) a couple of years ago. I found it and posted it here for you guys to read and gain your own perspective on the wonders of "eccentricity:

"Question Submitted by ************:

I like this "broken typewriter style." it reminds me of my family tree, the stuff my grandma typed up. The illusion of paper and ink lends a feeling of "realness" to the site, it's so very comforting and "booky" to me. i love the smudges... i love the smudges. do you know what this is doing to me? i am a book addict... this is a veritable sensory overload. you overwhelm me. you need a book link of some kind though... not a book seller either, something else. how many times did i use the word "book" in this paragraph? book, book. will you say "book" to me while we're having sex? mmm. no... not really... i actually want you to say "facetious" mmm. over and over and over and over again. say facetious, say it. say, "i love you, i think you are pulchritudinous and i am not being facetious," i could whip you with a cat-o-nine-tails if you it would help.

just keep it in mind.
it might fun.
i'm feeling playful today.

i'm finished now.
no more posting until next week.

may the force be with you
always is as it always is
and always was
directing you
guiding you
toward this very day
when you would find yourself
above it all
seeing it all
seeing true meaning,
the threads of the fabric,
interwoven and endless,
guided by the silent hand
of the invisible repeating plan.
if all the planets aligned for us
would you know enough
to be able to feel it?
would you feel enough
to be able to feel it?
there is a greater picture here,
one you have been living in
one you have been conducting
you need never have feared
your cosmic unconsciousness
always knew the way home


Response from Trent:

um, was that a question?"



Blogger Marie said...

It was lunch time. Of course we would offer you food. Well, of course Curtis would offer you food, more accurately, since I despise cooking.

Sorry about the late posting. Finals are finally over and I came home last night. And then slept in 'til one thirty. Ate breakfast then went back to sleep until a quarter to three. I promise my schedule will get better.

And I'm stuck with you until one of us dies?! Dude, you had better get laid and stop whining and propositioning me. I hardly have the patience of a saint. (And, yes, you can think of it that way if it makes your ego feel better.)

I am kidding with the shocked dismay. You are a good friend, and I'm not "stuck" with you.

Have a good weekend.

3:49 PM  

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