October 11, 2006

Editor's Note

Looking forward to TBF: Season 2 premier? Me too! Only a couple days left....

I figured that since I have the official title of "Editor" of TBF (as well as the self-proclaimed title of "Archiver") I may as well let you all in on some of my thoughts and expectations regarding The Factor, mainly, the issue of responses.

Having more responses submitted to Echoes would be very much appreciated. I thought that the Echoes last season were disappointing. There were some interesting ones depicting other people's views that I enjoyed reading, and it would be cool to have more of those. Hence, the subtitle of this blog-version of TBF. Plus, if there aren't enough Echoes, Brian may just end up writing rants every single week. And then, all you friends of Brian who dislike reading will either have to read twice as much of Brian's opinions or start deleting installments of The Factor and lie to Bri when he asks you if you read it. Which would not be a nice thing to do. So, you see, it'll just be easier to send in your thoughts to Echoes. You and I will benefit from it. It would be good karma.

I should mention that the other alternative to Brian writing a Factor every week is to have me write a response. And I will use big words, complicated theories, Marxist critiques, scores of semi-colons, and other pretentious atrocities. And trust me, my comments in last season's Echoes will be short in comparison. I don't want to commit myself to writing biweekly essays (just look at how infrequently serious topics are brought up on my blog), but I will. And you will hate me.

So show Brian some appreciation! Let him know that people read what he writes! Distribute this link to all those annoyingly opinionated people who try to get you to argue politics at work! Submit some feedback once in a while, something more than "I hear dat." I know for a fact that Brian's main goal with The Factor is to encourage people to think and speak. So do some thinking and speaking!



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